Predefined Roles
Along with the installation, more exactly with the creation of an oracle database, Oracle creates predefined roles. These are:
* connect, resource, dba
These might not be created anymore in future versions of Oracle.
Oracle 9.2 grants create session, alter session, create synonym, create view, create database link, create table, create cluster and create sequence to connect.
It also grants create table , create cluster, create sequence, create trigger create procedure, create type, create indextype and create operator to resource.
The role dba gets basically everything and that with admin option.
* delete_catalog_role, execute_catalog_role, select_catalog_role
Accessing data dictionary views (v$ views and static dictionary views)
* exp_full_database, imp_full_database
This role is needed to export objects found in another user's schema.
* aq_user_role, aq_administrator_role, global_aq_user_role(?)
* logstdby_administrator
* snmpagent
* recovery_catalog_owner
* hs_admin_role
* oem_monitor, oem_advisor
* scheduler_admin
* gather_system_statistics
* plustrace
* xdbadmin
* xdbwebservices
* ctxapp
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